Brokerage Owner Feature: Joe Dagostino’s J/105 “Viggen”

Article Posted Dec 08, 2020

Every boat has a story. JBY wants to know yours! We connected with Joe Dagostino, current owner of our newest J/105 brokerage offering "Viggen", to reflect on the memories he made onboard with family and friends over the years. 


Favorite memories on your boat?

To me, a boat is just a movable party, and the party on Viggen has never really stopped. We have done so many races with the same special people and to pick one is very difficult. I do remember walking around SDYC like we were kings the second day of the J 105 North American Championships when we concluded the day in second overall. This plus all the Hot Rums we did, just a really great time we always managed to have.


Favorite locations you've sailed on your boat?

Viggen never really ventured too far from San Diego Bay. The Coronado Rhodes has to be the favorite only because that is where we spent the most time. But my favorite is taking the boat down to the Coronado Yacht Club with the crew and getting a drink from Thor at the bar.


Why is this boat special to you?

The 105 is just such a great looking boat, low to the water, proportionate in all aspects. The boat looks like it is at top speed even while tied to the dock. To see the fleet at the guest dock of SDYC is almost an art show on the water. We did quite a bit of cosmetic work to Viggen to preserve this look (reglazing the topsides, taking off all unnecessary snaps and davits off the deck, painting the mast). When you see the boat it looks like a thoroughbred, low, lean and ready to fly.


How did you use your boat, mainly?

We mainly used Viggen for One Design Racing. Tom, John, Carol, Ben, Joanne. Tod and myself got off the dock as often as we could. We dished out as good as we got, but we definitely became better sailors. I think we really had the privilege of sailing in the Golden Age of the 105 fleet with competitors like Chuck Driscoll, Denise Case, Denise Conner, Rich Bergmann, Rick Goebel, Hugh Bennett, Jeff Brown and even Lowell North. I know I had the time of my life on Viggen but now on to bigger things (namely a J/122).


Check out Viggen's brokerage listing here to learn more about this beautifully fast J/105!