Open House

Article Posted Apr 04, 2021

Over the last year, the boating industry has seen a worldwide increase in demand. Now more than ever, people value quality time and experiences with loved ones and boating provides just that. Experienced and novice boaters alike are turning to boating as a safe & fun activity that gets you out of the house and onto the water.

Spring has sprung and as the weather gets warmer and the days get longer what better way to spend your time than on a boat enjoying your favorite activities. We here at Jeff Brown Yachts are excited to share that we have brand new boats in stock ready to “drive off the dock”, as well as boats on order coming to a Jeff Brown Yachts dealer near you.

A great way to view our inventory is to visit our docks on the second Saturday of every month for our monthly “Open House”. You can view our high-performance adventure brands Axopar & BRABUS as well as our larger luxury brands Pardo & Sirena. We also have several beautiful sailboats for sale and the potential for more brokerage boats in your area.



Open House Dates are below and will be located at our San Diego, Newport Beach, Sausalito & Seattle locations.

April 10

May 8

June 12

July 10

August 14

September 11

October 9

November 13

December 11

*Please note that showings are not limited to these dates and you can call to set up an appointment at any time. (619) 222-9899

We look forward to seeing you!